The Healthcare Industry and Power Generation Industry are linked closely due to the critical factors that come into play in a power outage. Everyone thinks about the major hospitals but there are also local hospitals, urgent care facilities, surgical centers, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospice centers and long-term care facilities to consider as well.
At Energy Systems Southeast, we have done projects all around the country and we understand this industry. We have a professional sales team, engineering staff, and certified technicians to help in each step from design through the life cycle of the solution. We can also offer a variety of options based on size and fuel types to best fit each individual application.
UPDATE! In the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, Florida Governor Rick Scott declared that Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities must have backup power to maintain comfortable temperatures for their patients. This has now gone through the legislative process and was signed into law on March 26, 2018. There was considerable discussion and misunderstanding around this over the months between the declaration and the actual laws being signed so we have included a copy of both the Nursing Home law and the Assisted Living law here. Please feel free to contact us for assistance in compliance. There is also considerable discussion among other states in the Southeast and around the country about adopting similar requirements.